Saturday, October 3, 2009

My introduction to the world of freelance writing.

My introduction to the world of freelance writing. Stay with me, I do get to the topic! (=

I was not planning on having my wonderful son so soon so I did not have a lot of money saved up before his birth. I work very hard so that he can attend a Montessori preschool. He is under responsive to proprioceptive input so I feel this is the best environment for him. You can read some articles I've written about it on Associated Content.

This is the story of how we learned he had some sensory issues.

I had never heard of this before so I wrote an article explaining some of the signs and symptoms of proprioceptive dysfunction. All of the information is based on research and my personal observations.

For other moms that are going through this I published a list of exercises that we do with our son to help minimize the symptoms.

In his Montessori school they are able to help him manage his condition while teaching him the appropriate outlets for when he is having sensory problems. This comes with a hefty price tag though. In my opinion it is totally worth it.

I am going back to school to get my MBA so in essence we are adding two college tuitions to our lives right now. I tried many side jobs to avoid going into debt. When I found freelance writing I knew I had found something special. I make a little extra money while enjoying a creative outlet.
I am not a professional writer but I like to think that I have been and will continue to improve. I have found many great resources through Associated Content.

Here are some very helpful links that I've found along the way.

Barefoot Scribbles -

Web Writers -

Accentuate Writers Forum -

LM (=

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